DSN-2025: Industry Track Call For Contributions

The extensive reliance on computing systems and networks raises numerous dependability challenges. Researchers and practitioners face complex interdisciplinary issues, from manufacturing technology to hardware and software development, networking, integration of complex systems, and cyber-security. The DSN-2025 Industry track provides a forum for interaction between industry and academia, and presentation of the latest R&D and operational challenges, practical solutions, case studies, and field dependability data.

Industry contributions to the DSN community are invited to address dependability issues related to either the development process or the operation of critical systems as seen from an industrial perspective.

The topics of interest target several aspects of dependable systems and networks:

The Industry Track aims in particular at promoting and fostering discussion on advanced current work in an industrial context, feedback from experiments, scalability issues regarding recent techniques, novel technology-related problems, etc.

The objective of this track is not to compete with the main DSN track, where finalized research and development work is presented, but to give the members of industrial and academic communities the opportunity to discuss hot topics regarding the future of dependable systems and networks, and to share experience among different industrial domains:

Important dates:

Submission Guidelines:

We solicit contributions addressing different aspects:

All materials must be written in English up to 6 pages (IEEE double-column format). The list of references is not included in the 6 pages. Papers must be submitted in their final form.

Practical aspects of previously presented scientific papers in a recent conference or edition are welcome, it helps if a clear connection and added value is pointed out.

Contributions must be in PDF and submitted through EasyChair, selecting the track DSN-2025 Industry Track: https://easychair.org/my/conference?conf=dsns2025.

Submissions will undergo a single-blind review process.

All accepted papers/abstracts will be published in the DSN supplemental volume and made available in IEEE Xplore. Accepted materials will be presented in dedicated sessions.

Industry Track Co-Chairs:

Jan Micha Borrmann, ExpectedIT GmbH, Germany
George Violettas, SYSGO GmbH, Germany
Luca Porzio, Micron Technology, Italy


For further information please send an email to industry_track@dsn.org

Program Committee

Christian Krummel, sima.AI, USA
Andreas Heyl, Bosch, Germany
Sebastian Reiter, FZI - Research Center for Computer Science, Germany
Dennis Gnad, KIT Karlsruhe, Germany
Christian Hütter, efficientware GmbH, Germany
Christopher Temple, ARM, Germany
Subho Banerjee, Google, USA
Tryfon Theodorou, Lincoln College International, KSA
Dimitris Chatzopoulos, University College Dublin, Ireland
Holger Blasum, SYSGO GmbH, Germany
Kyriakos Vougioulas, Loughborough University, UK
Arul Thileeban Sagayam, Bloombergm, USA
Lakshit Arora, Google, USA
Andrea Bastoni, Technical University of Munich (TUM), Germany
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