DSN-2025: Posters Call For Contributions

The poster track is a new track and as a continuation of the fast abstract track in the past. A DSN poster with an associated two-page extended abstract is lightly reviewed and will be included in the DSN supplemental volume and available through IEEExplore. We welcome new ideas, work in progress, or opinions relevant to dependable systems and networks.

Contributions are particularly solicited from project teams, industrial practitioners, and academics who may not have been able to prepare and see full papers accepted for DSN, but nevertheless seek an opportunity to engage with, or get feedback from, the DSN community.

Because they are brief and have two later deadlines, posters enable their authors to:

The accepted posters will be displayed in the coffee breaks, so that the attendees may take advantage of breaks to check out the contents of the posters and discuss with the authors.
The authors of accepted papers in Research Track, Industry Track, Doctoral Forum, and Disrupt 25 can also submit the posters to present their works in the poster venue to take advantage of more interactive discussions with the conference participants. There is no extra charge for poster presentations of the papers from other tracks besides the author registration fee.

Important dates:


Submission Guidelines:

Poster submissions are not anonymized. Authors of each poster are required to submit an extended abstract with at most two pages in length and must be formatted using the IEEE Computer Society camera-ready 8.5”x11” two-column camera-ready format (using a 10-point font on 12-point single-spaced leading) as implemented by the LaTex/Word templates available at the IEEE conference template page (last updated in 2019):

Latex Package (ZIP)
Word Template (DOC)

All accepted posters will be published in the DSN supplemental volume and available through IEEExplore.

At least one author of the accepted poster paper has to register at the conference (if the poster is not from other tracks) and present the poster in the poster session.

Papers are submitted via the submission website: TBD

Poster Chairs:

Simona Bernardi, Universidad de Zaragoza, Spain
Nagmeh Ivaki, University of Coimbra, Portugal
Email: poster@dsn.org

Program Committee:

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